Tuesday, July 3, 2007


It's really been a while since I've blogged. Man, my post are all quite emo already ar. In 1 of my previous post I mentioned that I wonder why people get emo. In the end I myself got emo. Emo I guess it's kind of normal. Even when someone looks happy on the outside he might be emo-ing in his heart.

In my 1st problems post I mentioned that we should try to solve our problems instead of avoiding it. Even so, there are some problems that we might be incapable of solving. So, maybe I was wrong. Maybe we should actually avoid them sometimes. If a problem can't be solved no matter what you do, I think we should just try to avoid it so at least you might feel better.

What's the best way to forget your emo-ness? I don't know. I only know 1 way. Try to be as hyper as possible. Even if it doesn't work, it might work to at least cover it. Rather than being an emo and have your friends worry and all, try to be hyper. Ups and downs are just parts of our lives. The ups or downs may be higher or lower sometimes but without them, it ain't life. We just gotta learn to enjoy the ups and live with the downs.


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