Saturday, May 5, 2012


As you walk through the course of life there are bound to be walls keeping you from going further.  People usually say don’t let these walls stop you, climb over it or break through it. That’s a good mentality definitely but do we always have the ability to climb over it or break through it?

The answer of course, is no. But one’s ability level doesn’t remain stagnant, we improve as we progress. It’s just like playing an RPG game, sometimes our items and stats makes our character too weak to go against a boss. We go around training and collecting items. Same principle applies to the real world. If we’re not good enough right now, make yourself good enough. Learn, train, practice, do whatever it takes.

There’s no limit to how good we can be. What we’re limited by is the time we have. Take the time, make the effort and these walls will be nothing for you. 7 months, that’s my target time to break through the walls in my course currently.

Ability has no limits, we’re only limited by time.

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