Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hard Work

Success requires hard work. That’s a well known fact but to actually have the will to put in the hard work for something you don’t really like isn’t so easy. I haven’t actually did put in any hard work yet. I’ll start very soon though. It’s really not so easy if you’re not interested. Interest is a very big motivation towards a person. This is exactly why people say choose a field that you have interest in to study.

Up till now I have always relied on my natural abilities. I can’t really identify what I have achieved through hard work. It’s not the I have never put in hard work in things I do but the hard work I put in has no result but instead things I do with purely talent sometimes has. Through them I have become more and more confident with my ability but it seems like arrogance came with it.

Arrogance isn’t really a problem at least from my point of view. So sorry if my arrogance cannot be tolerated but it’s a permanent change. With confidence and talent what lack is only hard work. I still haven’t figure out how to get the will to put in hard work but I believe I’ll work out something soon.

Talent alone is not enough

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chinese New Year

The start of a new year,
Based on Chinese calendar,
I hope it rocks,
The year of the ox,

Families gather a day before,
Gathered all in the dining hall,
Surrounding one single table,
All for one reunion dinner,

Home to home people visit,
Seeking their friends and relatives,
Even those who are out of town
With gifts and red packet going around,

Many give the blessing of wealth,
Many others the blessing of health,
But is it more than happiness and fun,
Well that is what I wish everyone.

Happy Chinese New Year. Although I’m a bit slow to have this post but well, better late than never. I hope everyone will have a happy year. I think happiness is still the most important thing people should have.

Happy, that's what we need to be