Sunday, February 7, 2010

Taking the shot

Everyone should set short term goals at every point of their life and try to take the shots to achieve them. I’ve set my 1st goal of the year and well, I failed to achieve it. I’m not sad nor am I exactly disappointed but now it gets me thinking, now what. This goal I’m talking about is becoming the president of Leo Club of PJI. In this one year time I’ll keep improving myself and have everyone acknowledge me as a good president material.

I may not score this time but at least I took the shot. I seek for advises and comments before the nomination, I nominated myself in the election and gave a speech straight from my heart attempting to get more votes. It’s fine that I didn’t get but I’m glad that I tried. I end up getting my second choice of post, vice president. I actually thought about whether or not to accept if I get that post few days before the AGM. I thought about it very long and came to the conclusion that I need it to keep climbing up in position. However, I would’ve rejected any other position other than that two.

In the past, I’ve always wanted to be a vice president but that’s no longer the case today. I no longer want to be number 2. I want to stand on top. I missed this chance, I really don’t know if I’ll ever get a chance again. I actually have different goals set next year but now, maybe I should change them? I guess I’ll have to spend time thinking and reorganize my plans.

Take the shot, you won’t regret it even it’s a miss

Image taken from

1 comment:

Clayton said...

Hey! I've got to say this ... you've got what it takes! I liked that speech, I liked how you plan, and I'm impressed in the way you position the role of a leader. Never give up! It's a great shot taken and I'm sure you'll hit your target in the next shot. While leadership for you next year may not be the top position, but remember - "Leadership is not about the position but about the action". I'm sure you'll eventually still have lotsa followers with you. Show everyone what you're made of. All the best!