Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Everyone have their own natural talent where they can develop and do great things with it. Everyone’s talents are different and different people will uncover their talent at different times. However, I can safely say everyone has a talent. After saying all this I have not reached the point of this piece yet. What I want to talk about is not about using the talent but about a choice. Everyone has the choice to not use their talent. Don’t keep thinking about your talent and abilities and choose your pathway according to that. Do what you want, what your heart tells you to.

I made that mistake. I had no direction. I didn’t know what to do, where to go. I chose the safe path by taking the professional course that my considered exceptional mental capabilities will be put into good use. I later realized it’s not what I want. I don’t really have the privilege to just change my course however. I just have to go on but I wish not anyone to make the same mistake I did.

Talent doesn't determine your path

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