Monday, February 24, 2014


If life there are many times we look forward to something that we expect coming up. However with these expectations we face the risk of disappointment. When things take a different turn from what we expect, our emotions take a different turn downhill as well. And the more we look forward to it the bigger the disappointment will be.

It is human nature for us to expect things and so is the feeling of disappointment. We can choose to doubt every little thing and minimize the expectation but that would in turn cause other issues and I would strongly recommend not to do that. We just got to learn to be ready to face the disappointments if they come.

Trying to stop things from taking a turn isn't really an option as well. What we can control is ourselves but our expectations often revolve not on ourselves but on other people and that's what we can never control. We just got to face that fact and live with it.

Disappointment comes with expectations taking a turn

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