Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Best Friend

Do you have a best friend? Well, how do you actually define a best friend actually. A best friend isn't someone who would always hang around with you, going everywhere together. A best friend is a friend who would go out of his way to appear whenever you're in trouble, knows the different behaviours of you and somewhat understands you.

So now ask yourself again, do you have a best friend? If you do, lucky you because not everyone have one. In this world where social connection is made easier and easier we can connect and socialize with a lot of people easily. We can have text chats through whatsapp, calls through mobile and apps like viber and there's even video calls with skype. We interact with people and have a lot of friends who we can spend time with but among them not everyone has a best friend.

We all should have a best friend. The one friend who you know you can turn to when you're in trouble and of course be willing to be there for when they're in trouble. Especially in this society where people everywhere are wearing masks. True and sincere friend are really precious to have, not to mention a true and sincere best friend. If you don't have one, try evaluating your sincerity in friendships. If you already do, appreciate it well.

Friends are precious but best friend is priceless

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