Saturday, March 1, 2014


In this society today filled with lies, acting, gossips and schemes it is hard to even trust anyone. Many have trouble with trusting even their own family members which are supposed to be the ones with the strongest bond with us. Blood is thicker than water, what relation can be stronger than family relation bonded by blood and a lifetime together? Even so, trust is still an issue sometimes within family members.

How can we trust anyone if we can't even trust our family members? The truth is we can't really trust anyone. It's a risk to give our trust to people but sometimes in life there are risks worth taking. Eventually in life I believe we will find people that we will want to give our trust to. If we put our whole heart out and the trust is betrayed we'd feel devastated but instead if we made the right choice putting our trust on the right person, nothing can be more comforting.

How do we know if a person is worth trusting? We don't and we will never know. The first person we have to learn to trust is ourselves. Don't go believing in certain naive thinking of yourself that even when you feel something isn't right you tell yourself maybe you're feeling wrongly. Trust your feelings because instinctively we know if we think we should trust someone. It may not be right but it's the closest you can get and it's a risk you'll have to take.

Trust is a risk, but it may be a risk worth taking

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