Tuesday, April 29, 2014


We need inspiration to figure out what directions we can take on things that we do. When we're lost we often seek inspiration that can inspire us towards our next step. We search high and low, far and wide for something that can inspire us in any way but inspirations are all around us. Sometimes we try too hard to look and missed out on the little things around us. It's when we stop trying so hard to look for them, they appear right before us.

Inspiration can come from anywhere, anyone or anything. You may be surprised to know that our actions or words may have already become an inspiration to people in one way or another. You may feel that what you do means nothing to people and what you say is meaningless words but you never know what idea they could actually trigger. Also, sometimes you take a bold move you think might be selfish but it could actually become an inspiration since it's an uncommon move.

I have a dream to inspire people to succeed, to move towards the path they wish to. I'm nowhere near achieving that dream. I'm not even someone people would look up to in any way yet. I have no example significant enough to show yet, but I believe one day I could. But whatever it is, it's important that we don't inspire people wrongly. Believe in what you do because sometimes even if it doesn't yield too much results as it is, it may turn out to inspire others can create a strong effect long term.

Sometimes we look too hard for inspirations when they're actually just lying around us

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