Thursday, April 3, 2014


Some people are born rich, some born poor, some die young, some die old. Basically our lives isn't a fair thing. Some lives die just after being born, heck some even die before being born into this world. It doesn't matter what we do in our life, if we're a good or bad person, the expiry we have in our life isn't affected by that. We have no control at all towards how we're born and how we die.

What we can control is in between, between the beginning and the end. Well technically we can control how we die if we take our own life but let us not take that circumstance into consideration. Let us focus back on the journey of life. The part where we can and is supposed to control. That's the only fair part of our lives, the part where we get to choose our path of life. The part that we have a choice.

Of course, the choice imposed upon us may not be the choice that we like. All the choices laid out before us may all be choices that we wish not to take, but we do have a choice and that's the privilege we all share. We just have to do what we can to make things better if things don't start out well for us. It may be easier for some and harder for another, that's life and life is unfair. We have just have to accept that it's that way.

So long as we live, we are still in control and we can try to improve our situation. The chances will only disappear if we choose to give up or if our time limit arrives. It's true that the time limit is unfair and the limit for us may be short but exactly because of that we should work the best of the time we have to make our life mean something. Those who have absurdly short expiry couldn't do anything and we couldn't do anything for them as well. Life is unfair that way, suck it up and move on. For those who have time, think of people who don't get this time privilege you get, appreciate and use it well.

Life is unfair, so just suck it up and make the best of yours

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