Monday, April 14, 2014


You don't try to be nice if you're genuinely nice, ng nice to people is a commonly taught value. Everyone wants to be treated nice and that's why we want people to treat others nice so when it goes round back to us we may get treated nice. However, what would actually constitute to being nice? Always saying good things and complimenting people, is that being nice if it's not sincere comments? How about telling you some harsh truths that may hurt you a bit but for your good?

One makes you happy but keeps you in denial, one hits your mood down but is trying to put you on the right path. Many people live in denial and don't realize the first type of people are in that category, helping them stay in denial. More and more people avoid telling the truth in people's face, not because they fear they'd hurt that person but they fear it would cost them to be disliked by others.

Personally I've went through being hated for being too honestly harsh on people. I was a bit extreme at one point of time and I realized the truth blows on people could be softer. That's why I tried to phrase things in a less harsh way but I still have no hesitation saying the truth of things. What I think should be the right way things should be, the problems I see in people and the things I feel is not right I will just let it out and that I believe has made a number of people dislike me. For me it's a price worth paying.

Of course, there's also the kind of nice where we're always there to help people. It's true that sometimes people do take advantage of how nice we are and always use us for their convenience but does it really matter? In the first place, being nice to being is just because we feel obliged to assist people for their convenience so in the end even if their intention is to use us we're achieving our objective when we help them isn't it? That is to be genuinely nice, when we're not considering what we get from what we do but we're considering what good could our actions do to people.

Genuinely nice people don't try to be nice, they be genuine and they'll naturally be nice.

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