Sunday, July 29, 2007


Is there a limit to a person's ability? I don't know if there is but I believe there is no limit to one's ability. I believe that one can always improve no matter how good they've become. One might reach a point where they feel that they have reached their limit of improvement but I believe these barriers can be broken. I believe these barriers are just created by the one's mind. With will and determination to improve, I believe they will be able to always continue improving.

Even though I think ability can always improve but I believe people have their own talented ability that they're special in. It's not they can stretch out further but it's that they can improve easier and faster. One who does not work on their talent might still lose to people without talent but work much harder than them. In other words, "Hard work can beat talent but hard work can not beat hard work with talent," that's what I'm trying to say.

Now, one's ability relates very closely to confidence. Confidence must always exist with your ability. One's ability will higher when you are filled with confidence. On the other hand, if you have no confidence or very low confidence, your ability will be lower than your normal ability. That's the reason confidence is one of my motto.

Now, one can never be confident at all times and events. At these times I believe what one should do is keep motivating yourself and act confident. I believe I don't need to say more on the motivating yourself. Acting confident can affect your own psychology and create a little more confidence in yourself. It will also affect other people and cause other people to feel that your ability is increased.

Another important thing is motivation. One will need motivation to work hard and motivation to be confident. There are many ways to give motivation. In my case, 1 of my always used motivation way is self praising. For me, this way of motivation really works. I don't know if it will work on everyone but I guess it's one option you can try. Well, it's the only way I know.

In conclusion, I believe one should always work hard but concentrate more on your talented aspect and also always try to be confident. Even if you can't be, act like you are. Lastly we should also keep motivating ourselves. That's it for this post.


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