Thursday, September 13, 2007

Of the Inactive Period (Part 2)

Many things went through my mind in this period of time. These thought were of the past, the present and also the future. As experience is gained through different events and activities in this period of time, I looked back and also look far forward. The events that happened in the past, as time proceeds everything else proceeds as well. I might be considered lucky as I have let a peaceful and carefree life before I was 16. In other words I have led 15 years of an easy life. Wait, is it lucky? I’d say no actually. Walking on a flat ground wouldn’t do any good; it’s the hills that build up a person.

Looking back into the far past I have never thought about the future. As my memories proceed to the closer past I was looking into the future but saw nothing of myself. Now, I look into a future and see success of myself. From the far past I knew nothing, as it comes closer I had guidance and as it comes to the present I have experience. I believe I truly have great potential. It is this belief that creates the image of success in me. In 1 of my previous post believe I have mentioned everyone has potential in something but I see more in myself. The reason lies within this post itself. The belief, confidence and vision I have in myself.

Looking back in the near past, I have gained a lot but there is loss as well. It is these gains and loss that has educated me and sparked up my potential. The loss I suffer is unbearable and because of that the spark of one area has transferred to another. One can never manage too much at the same time and because of that one must choose what to let go and what not to. I choose to work for what I’ve loss. No matter I can or not it is something I must try. If I do not it will definitely be a regret of a lifetime and no matter how successful I become it will become pointless.

The works I have written so far is not normal writing. I never thought about it in depth before this period of inactivity and because of that I never knew but now I know what it is that I’ve been writing all this while. What I have been writing is none other than the story of my own life. The emotions, the thoughts and the experience I have gone through. It is actually the 1st ever reason I have created this blog. Even though there are still points I must hide it’s still better to express out what I can. In the very first place these written works are supposed to be where writers express their emotion and feelings.

Within these period of inactivity I had countless flashback on the memories of what I have loss. It is the belief in hope that is keeping me moving. I could just fall anytime but because there is still hope I will still keep moving. This loss is too much suffering for me. Finally, these two posts might not be as educational as all my other posts in the past but within this post are my emotions. Within this post are the feelings I want to let out.



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