Saturday, September 22, 2007

Privacy & Friends

Everyone requires privacy even towards their closest people in life. Most things you would want to express it out but there are some which you do not wish anyone to know. Some people would choose to still tell it out but as an anonymous person and not as themselves. Most of my matters I choose to tell my friends but there are still matters I keep to myself. I’m a person who requires serious privacy. I’ll feel very annoyed when people invade my privacy. No matter there is anything I’m hiding or not the act of invading my privacy is enough to make me very annoyed.

Everyone has their own mindset and thinking. There are reasons a person keeps things as a secret. Invading will do no good. It will only make the person create lies, causing conflict and things like that. People have best friends where they share ups and downs together but no matter how close they are they are not you. They won’t completely understand you no matter what. There will still come to space of your own no matter how close you are to your best friends.

To be honest I don’t believe that anyone knows all the things I do and the things I think about. Usual people have a group of people where they stick with most of the time but that is something I don’t have. I mix around within too many groups and because of that, I end up belonging in none of the groups. From one way you may be seeing that I will be able to join in a group no matter where I go but the concept is not true actually. I usually find myself walking alone.

One of the very weird things is the people who I take as my best friends aren’t the people I hang out most with. But that states a point. Best friends aren’t people you hang out with most, they’re the friends you care and cherish most. Even though people have their best friends but friends who are not best friends are not far behind. I believe friends should be people who care about each other and not just the people you hang out with. Even so at certain time there comes to a point where only a side takes the other as a friend and a 1 way care appeared. Nothing is wrong with that except the person would wish it is 2 way.

Thinking back the past, my closest friends has kept on changing. One of my previous best friends is still my good friend but it seems like there’s a distance now. Until today I have new friends and old friends but then my greatest friend is still my standard 4 friend, Han Liang. Even so, we walk different paths and head to different points. What we aim for is different and thus we won’t be moving on the same path. But as I said, best friends don’t have to be the people you cling with always but the people you care most.

Actually there was I point I actually thought I found friends I can share all of my thoughts spend most of my moments with. Ended up I screwed it up myself. Stupid thing I did right? Full story will be untold in the blog and untold even if you ask me unless I want to tell you. Almost everyone I’m willing to tell to already know the story so that’s it.


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