Thursday, April 12, 2007

Genius?(part 2)

Alright. I feel the title is abit lame. O well, who cares? Just took my 2nd accounts monthly test 2day. I'm quite sure I die edi for the test. Well, I don't really care. Screw accounts, add maths is the thing. Today I went for the chemistry sudoku comp. Man, it's quite dumb. Sudoku but replace numbers with those Fe,H,He all those things. What's the point? Well, I did finish but I'm not really sure did I did everything correct and it took quite some time. There are classes finishing faster than us. How can they be so fast? Genius mer? Oh well, I'll just have 2 wait and see who won. Ok, I keep saying I'm a genius. Why? It's just to give confidence to myself. In life you have to take risks(zul's words) but then you gotta be confident when you take them(my words). I'm definitely no genius. I'd say my IQ is mayb around 115 or somewhere there which is just a little above average. If you say smart then mayb I am lar. I just took an IQ test just now. this is the site. Well it says my iq is 112. Average IQ is 100 if i'm not wrong. Genius IQ i think would b at least 120. which makes me non-genius. Well, who needs to be a genius? I'm smart enough, that's enough. Oklar. That's it. End of post.

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