Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Right, nine is my favourite number. Like, this is the ninth post of the month. Did you notice for the previous 2 months there were nine posts as well? I didn't do it intentionally. It was a just coincidence. Well same will go for this month. This is the last post of the month. It's been few days of holiday now. Been going out for meetings for my camp quite often these few days. My camp is this Thursday by the way.

Did you think that I was gonna write a post about my life? I'm not gonna do that. All this while I wrote plenty of my own philosophies. Actually why do I write them? I mean I'm just some form 4 student, who bothers about my philosophies? And actually based on what is my philosophies formed? It's just purely my own thinking. A form 4 student's thinking. I don't know why I do it myself actually. I guess I just wanna do it. I won't stop anyway. As I said in 1 of my previous posts, I think that we should do whatever can make us happy as long as it doesn't affect others.

Thinking. When people actually think I guess many things can come out. But do people always think? I myself usually don't think actually. Most of the time when I do something I just do without thinking. I never think about what could happen or anything like that. I guess I should really start thinking before doing anything. So if you see me lagging I might be thinking.

Oh ya, lately I've been posting about lansi and boasting right? I guess boasting is like a sign of me. I guess it's the only thing that made people notice me. I won't stop boasting but I will reduce. Alright, last words of the month. Although it's kind of late, may every student enjoy their school holidays.


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